Aljeaner (Jeana) is a dedicated teacher at one of our Early Learning Centers; she has been for over 27 years! Jeana is in need of a life-saving kidney transplant. We encourage you to read her story and consider joining the National Kidney Registry.
“My name is Aljeaner, Jeana, and I need a kidney to live. I have 3 kids (32, 34, 36, all medically disqualified) and 7 grandkids (all under 18). I’ve been a toddler daycare teacher for over 27 years. I love my toddlers. They are the world to me. They are energetic, willing to learn– everything is “why?” They are sponges and so curious about their world. They keep me going and full of life. I help with fundraising by talking with staff at work to help kids with scholarships, food and clothing. All of these kids really need me to keep living so that I will be able to enhance their growth and development.
I like to exercise at the YMCA and when I was younger, I won medals in track, swimming and tennis. I volunteer at our church by assisting their Arts and Crafts program; I love doing collages and painting with them. I like window shopping and cooking big American dinners, with meat, potatoes and vegetables. I bring food to my neighbor because he always helps me with landscaping.
In 1986 I started with hypertension which they were never able to manage. In May 2021, I caught Covid and it destroyed my kidneys. I started dialysis right away. I do home Peritoneal Dialysis 8 hours daily. I’ve been tired, weak and lethargic. It’s been hard to feel motivated to do anything. Once I get my kidney, I’ll be more energized, be able to stay awake longer, visit my family and continue to help my community. I’d like to continue my education in Early Childhood Development. I’d like to supervise other daycare teachers and ultimately open my own Daycare Center.