Hands stacked together to support children from cradle to careerHands stacked together to support children from cradle to career

Cradle To Career

Systems need to change. Child and family programs often fail because they only address one need (food, homework help, career advancement). Working together, through Collective Impact, we can better support the spirit, mind, and body development of our children so that they can prosper as adults.

Cradle to Career Cincinnati is an organization supported by the YMCA, focused on mobilizing schools, partners, students, families, teachers, and other community members to protect and support children from cradle to career.

Cradle to Career Continuum

Power of Collective Impact

Parents and Students

Those directly affected by the results

  • Network of children and families
  • Service Areas
  • Demographics
  • Impact Stories

Portfolio of Partners

Defined problem and creation of shared solution

  • Connect community leaders, educators, schools, social service providers, faith leaders, health care providers, researchers and more
  • Funders
  • Investments
  • Strategies

Sponsored by the YMCA of Greater Cincinnati, Cradle to Career Cincinnati is a collective impact backbone organization explicitly tasked with the data-driven effort of mobilizing an already engaged education ecosystem, collective impact partners, students, families, and the broader community in A MOVEMENT for education equity from cradle to career.

Power of Collective Impact

Established Shared Measurement to uniformly track progress for continuous improvement

  • National Data
  • Measurements
  • Local Results
  • Share Learnings
  • Cradle to Career Outcomes
YMCA of Greater Cincinnati