Why do you belong to the Y?
The Y is a great place to learn, grow and connect with people from all walks of life. It’s a place where I feel at home. I have fond memories of the Y from my childhood, as a former Y employee, and most importantly my children now have memories of growing up in the Y.
How long have you volunteered with the Y and what are your favorite volunteer activities?
I’ve been on the Y Board since 2020. Prior to that I volunteered with the Y for many years. My favorite volunteer activity has been participating in the Black Family Reunion. It’s one of the ways the Y shows its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
The Y’s purpose is to help people build healthy minds, bodies, and spirits. What inspires you to help the Y fulfill its purpose?
My passion for community is what inspires me to help the Y fulfill its purpose. I know when people come together around a shared goal magically things can happen. I want to be the change I seek to see in the world. I’ve been lucky enough to witness how the Y has changed individuals’ lives locally, nationally and internationally.
Who has helped you on your journey and what lesson have you learned that you could share with others?
I’ve been blessed to have a lot of people who love and support me. One person who comes to mind is Myrita Craig who is former COO of the Y. Although we no longer work together, she is someone who I know will always support me. She helped me learn “if you don’t ask for what you want, you’ll never get it”. She inspired me to set goals and to work hard to achieve them. That’s a powerful lesson that continues to serve me well today.
What hobbies or causes are you passionate about?
As an elected official serving as Vice Mayor in the Village of Woodlawn, I am passionate about civic and community engagement. The most powerful thing in our communities are the people. A people united will never be defeated.